Launching the Independent Funeral Standards Organisation (IFSO)
As of January 2022, on renewal of membership, NAFD funeral home members will automatically be registered with IFSO – which will provide standard quality monitoring and assurance to all registered firms going forward.
NAFD President Kate Edwards outlined the process that will be followed from January: “To ensure quality standards among members, renewal of NAFD membership each year will be contingent on firms being successfully IFSO registered. Any firms who are removed from IFSO registration will not be able to renew as NAFD members until such time as they have regained their IFSO registration.”
IFSO will begin its work in ‘encouragement’ mode – following CMA feedback. However, for those who continue to refuse to comply, an IFSO investigation and disciplinary process will commence.
From February IFSO welcome packs will be sent to NAFD members after they have paid their renewal fees for 2022.
Firms must nominate a central compliance contact that the QRCMs can make contact with, to begin the process of building understanding and establishing a close working relationship.
If you have questions that cannot wait until you receive your welcome pack, please do not hesitate to contact our team for more details.